Fabricio Lamoncha

Jaula de Grillos, 2018

Plexiglass cricket cage (25x25x50cm), male crickets (only male crickets chirp), macbook air running Max/Msp patch, artificial grass (working as acoustic insulation and human guilt pacifier), cricket food/liquid and other cricket architecture.

Figure 1

“Cricket Cage” is one in a series of artistic research projects on interspecies collaboration, based on the study and interpretation of the sensorial apparatus, as means of understanding their specific ‘umwelt’ (environment). “Cricket Cage”, in particular, suggests a symbolic system of metabolic layers, following the idea of music and rhythm as social and cultural interfaces, as well as artefacts of ritual transcendence. With this work, the author, with the help of different audiovisual computer programming tools, attempts to establish a dialogue between a group of crickets, a human audience, and 'x’ (our individual or collective ideas of whatever could stand outside our semiotic bubble).

Jaula de Grillos

Figure 2

Figure 3